新年近在眼睫了, 今天也是我在猴年工作的最後一天, 星期日就要一家四口回到老公的家鄉- 吉蘭丹去了, 直到二月十三日才會回來 ...所以, 先向大家拜個早年, 祝妳

『 雞 年 行 好 運』

『 萬 事 如 意』

『 身 體 健 康』

剛剛收到一封e-mail - CNY red underwear! 覺得真的是世界無奇不有, 就上來讓大家看看....只可惜, 我也不知道那裡買, 不然買來給老公穿, 也不錯! 我想, 到時老公肯定罷穿, 最終還是拿來擦地板的..

One of them has the Chinese character Chai meaning Prosperity emblazoned in gold across the bright red underwear. This interplay of color is supposed to be very auspicious - the red, a traditional color of the Lunar New Year celebrations for the Chinese, combined with gold, which symbolizes wealth, comes together to make on hell of a prosperous brief.You'll want to be wearing these when you're gambling.Sure win one!
The other has an image of a dragon, presumably to symbolize the "dragon" that lies under the bulgewhen one is wearing it.
The third and last one has the gold Chinese character for Fu, which roughly translates to happiness,in the family context. It's probably wise to be donning these on during the Chinese New Year evereunion dinner to avoid unwanted questions and stop bickering relatives (if any).

文中大意是說 - 這款內褲是一套三條 - 分別是'財' ,印著龍的和'福' .無論是顏色或款式方面, 都看的出有花過一點心思. 顏色- 紅彤彤的紅色向來是華人農曆新年的必選顏色, 字體是金色, 象徵著財富, 兩者合起來就變成了一條能幫助你大發特發的發財內褲. '財'內褲最適宜新年賭博穿, 包証你大殺四方. '龍'內褲呢, 其實是寓意著包在內褲裡面的那樣'東西'好像龍一樣威風. 最後一條印著'福'字, 象徵快樂, 最好是吃團圓飯是穿, 以擋著不必要的尷尬問題和親戚們的毒舌.


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