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我哪有去shooping啊,我在上班。只不過, 昨天在見客戶途中,瞧見了掛著'Warehouse Clearance Sale'。在好
奇心與愛買的驅使下,進去看看,結果買了ORLY指甲油(2 for RM5)及REVLON眉筆(RM5 each)。即使,我今天
還想去'Shiseido Warehouse Sale' 看看, 但本著小女人心理-'今天便宜今天買,明天便宜便再買',還是照買。

晚上,去夜市(馬來西亞的夜市通常一星期一次)逛逛,見到榴槤便宜(4 for RM10)賣,又買。說起榴槤,我想大
到,大家不惜當了身上唯一的沙龍來買榴槤吃。沙龍是馬來人在家里代替褲子or 裙子圍的一塊布。記得小時候,

大家是愛美不要命,我是愛吃不要命 。 。

chugokujin73 發表在 痞客邦 留言(9) 人氣()

Finally, I have my blog here after trying to get register for a while.I been dreaming to write all the happening events in my life here.I hope I can keep my determination for this blog for a longggggg period. Also,hoping to know some friends over here.

Here is my brief introduction ....about me & my home sweet home:-

I am a working mother with two daughters - Wei Lynn 2 yrs old & Wei Ern 4 months old.
I am not a computer genius and using computer to play games only when I was small. But I happened to explore the internet world and knew my hubby online.
We chat on ICQ for hours even after we met on the nite....My hubby always send me his love letter by e-mail but not more love letter after we married.

Don't know what else to write at this moment...maybe later.

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